
An orange and white cat on a green background licking its paw in bliss.


This is my website. It serves as a landing page for my domain, and as a place for my writing and solutions to problems I encounter in my tinkering, in the hope that others can find them and skip the furstration that I experienced.

If you don't know me, hello! I'm Southpaw, and I tinker with things to varying degrees of failiure. At the moment, I also help out at QuiltMC.

Contacting me

You can find links to my various other profiles in the form of some neatly-organised logos in the navigation bar. Email is the most reliable way, and Matrix theoretically works, although I haven't formally tested it. Mastodon is technically a way to contact me, but it doesn't really have real DMs. At the time of writing, GitHub hasn't yet added any direct messaging, but it seems inevitable that they will at some point.